What is Cooperation | Definition, Meaning & Types with Examples

Cooperation Definition


ü What Does Cooperation Mean 

Cooperation is the fundamental way that people interact and associate with society. The most basic social behavior that may be observed in the earliest forms of life is this one. For a sociology student, the concept's significance is just as obvious as physical and chemical operations are to a chemistry student. For short periods of time, the client helps the shopkeeper out for business. The patient and the doctor work together, as do the student and the instructor, the child and her mother, the spouse and wife, and the Imam and his adherents. Cooperation is the foundation of society's extensive web of social connections. People cooperate with one another and connect themselves together in the pursuit of shared interests. So cooperation is a fundamental requirement of life.

Without cooperation, no civilization can establish its social structure and system. The wheels of cooperation keep the entire social machinery in motion. Cooperation can be seen in family, education, commerce and trade, political party activities, and religious group activities. Cooperation Definition

The word "cooperation" refers to supporting one another or participating in one or more facets of social life. We identify a few significant instances of cooperation in our communities. On the farms, members of the rural community work together with their neighbors to cultivate crops, plow fields, and collect crops. People in urban communities work together despite having different social circumstances. Customers and shops, professors and students, business owners and laborers, medical professionals and patients, and many more groups of people all exhibit this kind of cooperation.


Ø Definition of cooperation

According to F.E. Merrill, cooperation is a type of social interaction in which two or more people cooperate to achieve a common goal.

"Cooperation is the process through which individuals or groups join their effort, in a more or less organized way, for the realization of a common aim," says Fairchild.

Green, A.W. "Cooperation is the ongoing and shared effort of two or more people to complete a task or to achieve a common goal,"

 Cooperation Definition

Ø Types of Cooperation

Two different types of cooperation exist.

1. Direct Cooperation

A task that cannot be completed by one person requires the cooperation of numerous people. Direct cooperation refers to those things that the people share and are common to them. The cooperation in which the participants share an interest is what it is called. Examples of direct cooperation include playing, worshipping, studying, and working together on a farm or when building a road or a house. All social actions that involve a group of people's interests fall under the category of direct cooperation.


Societal examples of direct cooperation

1. In rural areas, the community helps transport the sick individual to the doctor.

2. On certain occasions like Eid and other holidays, the populace works together.

3. In an urban neighborhood, members of the same political party work together in most facets of social life.

4. Members of a religious sect cooperate with one another in urban areas with a special interest


2. Indirect Cooperation

People take unconventional actions to accomplish common objectives. In a complex society, specialization and the division of labor lead to impersonal human behavior and cooperation between members of different social classes. In this approach, labor and material goods are exchanged to satisfy many wants, and this process entails interpersonal cooperation. When faced with common requirements or a common crisis, people of different castes and classes must occasionally work together.

 Cooperation Definition

Indirect Cooperation Examples

1. There is cooperation between a mill's owners and employees.

2. Customers and businesspeople collaborate on product selling prices.

3. The exogamous method of marriage is becoming more and more common in urban social life. It involves a union of two families from various castes and Biradris.

4. Despite belonging to various professions, castes, classes, sects, and political parties, residents in urban areas cooperate in various aspects of social life.

5. A good illustration of this category is the cooperation of individuals from various professions. They meet one another needs in this way. This form of collaboration is covert.

Cooperation Definition


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