What is Personality | personality types


Personality | personality types

ü Personality 

The Latin term "persona," which means "mask" worn by performers to change their look, is where the word "personality" originates. It is the culmination of a person's thoughts, traits, actions, attitudes, and routines.

The social interactions we have in group settings shape our personalities. In society, each individual has unique characteristics such as skin tone, eye color, height, and weight. Because people are not all the same, they have various personalities. Everybody has a personality, which can be good or bad, impressive or unimpressive. It refers to the habits, attitudes, and physical characteristics of a person that are not the same for every group and civilization. It grows as a result of socialization inside a certain group's or society's culture. It varies from culture to culture and from time to time, therefore it is impossible to pinpoint exactly what it is about a person. For instance, a murderer is demonized in times of peace but revered during times of conflict.


Personality Types

The three categories of personality are listed below.


1. Extrovert Personality

This kind seems to prefer living alone more often than with others. These folks are well-socialized and interact with other members of the community. They desire to integrate into larger groupings. These individuals include drivers, heavy drinkers, smokers, robbers, thieves, and other bad characters.


• Takes pleasure in being the center of attention

• Takes group work well

• Isolated due to spending too much time by yourself

• Prefers verbal communication

• Enjoys discussing ideas and emotions

• Seek ideas and inspiration from others and other sources.

• A variety of wide interests

• Has a tendency to act before thinking



2. Introvert personality

Extroverts and introverts are opposites. These people like to stay inside their rooms alone and never leave. They have their own made-up universe. They are educators, scientists, philosophers, and thinkers.


• Effective listeners

• Self-sufficient.

• Extremely focused

• Easy to win over.

• Very perceptive.

• Capable of studying.

• Reliable folks.

• They don't lose touch with their emotions.

• Devoted to their objectives.


3. Ambivert personality

There is a third personality type called an ambivert that exists between the extrovert and introvert types. This type of person enjoys the groups and participates in them. They wish to live in both camps and are of average intellect. They occasionally interact with individuals from the outside, but occasionally they live alone.


• The capacity to adjust to various circumstances

• Having excellent communication skills, including speaking and listening

• Having no problem interacting with both big crowds and small, private gatherings

• The capacity to function well both alone and in groups

• Having a strong awareness of oneself

• Providing equilibrium in social circumstances

• The capacity to control one's actions and reactions


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