Why do men and women feel more pleasure during sex


Why Does Sex Feel Good

ü Why does sex feel good 

Science says there are several explanations for this.

According to scientists, the body undergoes a variety of physiological changes during sex. When you have sex or are aroused, you go through a number of physical and emotional stages that include these emotions of pleasure.

The so-called sexual response cycle has four stages:

·        Excitement

·        Plateau

·        Climax

·        Resolution

Both men and women go through these four stages, which can happen during masturbation or sexual activity. Because each person's physiology is unique, each person will experience various stages at different times and with varying severity.

 Why Does Sex Feel Good

Phase 1: Excitement

• Increased muscle tension

• Faster heartbeat and respiration

• Flushed skin and firm or erect nipples are all possible symptoms for you or your spouse.

• increased blood flow to the genitals, which results in erection in the man's penis and swelling in the woman's clitoris and inner lips (labia minora)

• increased moistness in the vagina

• increased fullness in the woman's breasts

• swelling in the woman's vaginal walls

• swelling of the man's testicles

• tightening of the man's scrotum

• Secretions of lubricating liquid from the man'

  Why Does Sex Feel Good

Phase 2: Plateau

• Increased breathing, heart rate, muscular tension, and blood pressure from stage 1 may worsen for you or your partner. Additionally, there may be an increase in vaginal edoema and a darkening of the vaginal walls' colour.

• The man's testicles pulling up into the scrotum

• Heightened sensitivity to a woman's clitoris (often becoming painful to the touch) and withdrawing behind the clitoral hood so that it doesn't get stimulated directly by the penis

• Potential muscle spasms in the feet, face, and hands.


Phase 3: Climax

You or your companion might go through:

• The blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing are all at their greatest levels, and both lovers are inhaling oxygen quickly into their bodies. Involuntary muscular contractions may also occur, possibly in the feet.

• the repetitive contraction of the muscles at the base of the penis in males, which causes semen ejaculation; the contraction of the vaginal muscles and rhythmic contractions in the uterus in women; and the rapid and forceful release of sexual tension.

• An all-over flush or "sex rash"

With continuous sexual stimulation, women may have many orgasms. After orgasm, men must wait before having another. Men have different waiting times, and they get longer as they get older.


Final Stage: Resolution

The body's functions return to normal during this stage.

• Body parts that were swollen and erect shrink back to their normal size and colour.

• A greater sensation of well-being, intimacy, and exhaustion are present.

  Why Does Sex Feel Good

Ø Why sex makes your brain feel happy

During sex, the brain serves as its own pleasure centre. Oxytocin, often known as the "cuddle hormone," is believed to increase in the brain just from being physically close to another person, making you feel secure and joyful.

Scientists are aware that specific brain regions are linked to pleasure and become more active after ingesting food, medications, or engaging in sexual activity.

When we have sex, our body sends signals to the brain through our nerves, and the brain responds by releasing chemicals that increase our feelings of pleasure.

According to certain research Trusted Source, sexual activity and stimulation produce a physical-psychological loop of pleasure because of their rhythmic nature.

During the orgasm phase of sex, psychological pleasure rises along with physical pleasure, and more psychological pleasure raises physical pleasure.

The study contends that the rhythm of sex can assist both men and women in selecting suitable partners for intimate relations.

Because a healthy rhythm is a gauge of sexual fitness, a person will gravitate toward the sexual partner whose rhythm gives them the most pleasure.

  Why Does Sex Feel Good

Ø How to improve your sex

Learning to listen to your body and brain is the best approach to having better sexual experiences. Who or what makes you most happy while having sex?

• Pick sexual partners who will make you feel content and pleased. Having good sex can be aided by feeling at ease with your partner.

• Select sexual positions that make you feel the happiest. Spend some time getting to know your own body, including your favourite feelings. The safest, healthiest, and most common approach to discovering your sexual preferences is via masturbating.

• Discuss your partner's interests with them. When discussing sex, keep the lines of communication open with your spouse.

• Ask your partner to try things you like and try things they like. When both parties engaged are enjoying the experience, sex is more enjoyable. Find out what makes the other person happy together.

 Why Does Sex Feel Good


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